Commercial Dispute Resolution

TLT Legal will represent and/or appoint a attorney to negotiate, reconcile and protect the rights and interests of clients in commercial arbitration or court

Commercial dispute resolution is a strength of TLT Legal. As we regularly advise clients on business-related issues, we have comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of the legal aspects of contracts and trade.

Our services are not limited to settlement of disputes, we also advise clients on building up mechanisms to prevent potential disputes and minimize potential damages.

In the course of legal practice, TLT Legal has advised and appointed attorney to protect the rights and legal interests of many clients in court and commercial arbitration.

Our strengths include:

  • Consulting on drafting commercial contracts, business co-operation contracts, investment contracts;
  • Analyzing and evaluating strong and weak points of the parties in the dispute and advising on resolution;
  • Advising on the preparation of responses to disputes;
  • Consulting, representing clients in negotiating and mediating disputes;
  • Setting up the file for dispute resolution in commercial arbitration or court;
  • Representing and/or appointing attorneys to protect clients’ rights and legal interests in commercial arbitration or courts;
  • Advising, coordinating with the State authorities to take measures to distraint properties, to blockade bank accounts.


If you would like further information about our commercial dispute resolution service and how TLT Legal could assist in addressing your legal matters, please feel free to contact us via:


0862 667736